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Works By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Doyleana and Sherlockiana
"... In every high profession - be it law, medicine, the Army, or
literature - there are certain unwritten laws - a gentlemanly etiquette
which is binding upon all, but most binding upon those who have a claim to
stand among the leaders of the profession. If those who are successful
advertise their own wares, and use the machinery of the Press in order to
whet curiosity about their own book before it has come into the hands of
the critics, the young aspirant naturally comes to imagine this is the cause
of the success, and by his imitating the same tactics the whole tone of the
profession becomes lowered."
-- from Letters to the Press
The Strand , and Other
Pastiches, Parodies
and Plays
Many of the books on this list have been illustrated; to see them, either
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Bibliographical references are to
A Bibliography of A Conan Doyle.
By Richard Lancelyn Green & John Michael Gibson.
New Revised and Expanded Edition.
Boston; London; New York: Hudson House, 2000.
Conan Doyle, Arthur (Gibson, John Michael and Green, Richard Lancelyn,
eds). Letters to the Press. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1986.
[First edition]. Signed by Green on title page. A fine copy
in original gilt lettered blue boards, and
decorative blue
and black dust jacket with small publisher's lamination fault. This
collection of Conan Doyle's press letters range from 1879 ("Gelseminum as a
Poison") to 1930 ("Constantinople"), cover all aspect of ACD's career, and
refer to many of the major political and social controversies of his time.
The Strand and Other
Conan Doyle, Arthur. Jelland's Voyage; contained in Harper's
Weekly, Vol.XXXVI, no.1873 (November 12, 1892). New York: Harper &
Brothers, 1892. Original pictorial covers now almost detached, with short closed
tears along spine; light foxing near spine and faint dampstaining along its bottom
1/3, affecting some inner leaves; most of front cover tanned, with similar smaller
patch on rear; 2" tear to margin of pp.1101/02. A very good copy.
Pastiches, Parodies and Plays 
Campbell, Patrick J. Holmes in the West
Country: A New Sherlock Holmes Adventure. Shelburne, Ontario: The
Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2000. Second impression with corrections.
"Published for the 2nd Bimetallic Colloquium held in Montreal in June 2000."
As new, in full
colour glossy pictorial wrappers, signed by the author.
Campbell, Patrick J. Shades of Sherlock.
Shelburne, Ontario: The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 1999. Fourth
impression, with corrections. With caricatures by Jean Pierre Cagnat and
illustrations by Paul G. Churchill. As new, in original gilt-stamped black
cloth, and full
colour dust jacket, signed by the author.
"This book comprises three [Sherlock Holmes] pastiches,
a radio play, and eight Sherlockian articles." (cf. Introduction)
Campbell, Patrick J. Tides of the Wight:
... the Gentlemen Go By. Shelburne, Ontario: The Battered Silicon Dispatch
Box, 2000. Second printing. "A Drama in Four Acts." As new, in gilt-stamped
dark blue cloth, and
pictorial dust jacket, signed by the author.
"My plan was, therefore, to try to write a full-length Sherlockian play ..."
(cf. Introduction)
Howell, Wayne. The Bacchus Club Mystery. Montreal, Canada:
Kylix Media, 1991. [First edition]. At head of title: "A Further
Adventure of Sherlock Holmes." Hardback issue:
original dark
reddish brown cloth, lettered and decorated (Holmes silhouette with wine
glass) in gilt; contents excellent. A fine copy of this Sherlockian oenophile
[----- Another copy]. This one wrapper issue: glossy
white light
card wrappers lettered and decorated (Holmes silhouette with wine glass)
in red and black. As new.
Montgomery, James. Three Trifling Monographs. [n.p.]: the Author, [1952]. [First edition].
Symons, Julian. A Three Pipe Problem. London: Collins, 1975.
First edition. Original black boards, with a hint
of bumping and rubbing at corners; ownership embossing to front endpaper.
Black pictorial (Holmes at parking meter) dust jacket; minor rubbing at
edges and creasing at spine ends; rear panel dusty. Near fine.
Symons, Julian. The Great Detectives: Seven Original Investigations.
Toronto: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981. First edition. Nicely illustrated by
Tom Adams, in colour and sepia throughout, including Holmes in old age.
A fine copy in original cream coloured cloth, and pale yellow pictorial
(portraits of the detectives) dust jacket.
Contains the Holmesian pastiche "How a Hermit was Disturbed in his Retirement",
as well as those based on Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot, Nero Wolfe, Ellery Queen,
Maigret and Philip Marlowe.
Bradley, C. Alan and Sarjeant, William A.S. Ms. Holmes of Baker Street:
The Truth About Sherlock. Dubuque, Iowa: Gasogene Press, 1989.
First edition. Original glossy
cream coloured
wrappers, printed in brown. Hypothesizes that Holmes was,
in fact, a woman! As new.
Green, Richard Lancelyn, ed. The Sherlock Holmes
Letters. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1986. First edition.
Signed by the editor, Green, on the title page. A fine copy
in gilt lettered red boards and
decorative red
and black dust jacket. A collection of letters (1887-1978) sent to the
Press refering to, calling for or purporting to be by Holmes, Watson, or even
Moriarity; includes items by Vincent Starrett, Bernard Darwin, Andrew Lang and
Christopher Morley.
Greene, Hugh, ed. The American Rivals of Sherlock Holmes.
London: The Bodley Head, 1976. First edition. Edited and with
introduction by Hugh Greene. Original maroon boards lettered in gilt;
lower front corner creased; top edge maroon. Green and black
pictorial (Victorian man defending himself) dust jacket clean and crisp.
A fine copy of this collection of thirteen detective stories writen by
turn-of-the-century American authors who "had it in them to produce one
or two stories which, in their very different way, will stand comparison
with the work of their English contemporaries."
Hammer, David L. The Twenty-Second Man - In Re Shelock Holmes:
German Agent. Dubuque, Iowa: Gasogene Press, 1989. [First edition].
Signed by the author. As new in
mottled black
card wrappers lettered in white and light blue.
Hardwick, Michael. The Private Life of Dr. Watson: Being the
Personal Reminiscences of John H. Watson, M.D. New York: E.P.
Dutton, 1983. First US edition. Original dark tan boards, with cream cloth
spine, lettered in gilt;
pictorial (Watson, with Holmes's shadow) dust jacket clean and bright.
A fine copy.
Quayle, Eric. The Collector's Book of Detective Fiction.
London: Studio Vista, 1972. First edition. Magnificently illustrated
in colour and b/w with "photographs by Gabriel Monro" of books, as well
as other historical images and engravings. Publisher's terra-cotta cloth;
neat ink ownership name on front endpaper. Price-clipped full-colour
pictorial (detective in medallion) yellow dust jacket; a touch rubbed at
head of spine, bumped at tail; showing a hint of age-toning on verso. A
fine copy; with much reference to Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes,
including chapters on "The Hansom Cab Era", "The Immortals of Baker Street"
and "After Holmes".
The Sherlock Holmes ... Catalogue of the Collection in the Bars
and the Grill Room and in the Reconstruction of part of the Living Room
at 221B Baker Street. London: Whitbread & Co., 1963. Sixth impression.
"With Introductory Essays by A. Lloyd-Taylor and John Dickson Carr, and a
Critical Miscellany edited by H. Douglas Thomson." Illustrated with 13 b/w
plates. Purple card wraps, with colour pictorial vignette (Holmes);
light rubbing at spine joints and a touch on edges. A near fine copy.
Studies in Scarlet. Dubuque, Iowa: Gasogene Press, 1989. First
edition. Illustrations by Kiyoshi Tanaka. Original orange-red light
card wrappers, printed in black and white; small nick at head of spine.
Contains 13 essays on Sherlockian subjects by international scholars
and authors (including Michael Hardwick, John Ball, and Bjarne Nielsen),
and an introduction by Dame Jean Conan Doyle.
Doyle, Charles Altamont. The Doyle Diary: The Last Great Conan Doyle
Mystery. New York & London: Paddington Press, 1978. [First US
edition]. "With a Holmesian investigation into the strange and curious
case of Charles Altamont Doyle, by Michael Baker." A fine copy in oblong cream
boards, lettered in gilt; contents clean and bright. Reddish brown dust
jacket, lettered in gilt and pink, with cream pictorial (death and man)
medallion; light rubbing to edges and joints. (G&G #E3.126)
Reproduces in facsimile the 1889 colour and b/w sketchbook diary of ACD's
father, C.A. Doyle, kept during his incarceration in a Scottish insane assylum.
Green, Richard Lancelyn and Gibson, John Michael. A Bibliography of
A. Conan Doyle. Boston; London; New York: Hudson House, 2000.
First revised edition. "With a Foreword by Graham Greene." As new,
in original burgundy buckram lettered in gilt on spine; printed dust
The definitive bibliography, updating the 1983 first edition with 14
pages of "Adddenda and Corrigenda".
[Conference program]. Sherlock Holmes & John Bennett Shaw: The
Detective & the Collector. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota,
1995. "The Dedication of the John Bennett Shaw Library of Sherlock Holmes
& The Victorian World and the Master Detective, A Memorial Conference,
October 13-15, 1995 ..." A fine copy of vertical oblong pamphlet in original
pictorial card wrappers, with light paper covers; printed throughout in red
and black. Lists almost two dozen program events, held over three days,
presented by academics, scholars, collectors, booksellers, and aficionados.
[Journal]. Canadian Holmes. "The Magazine of the Bootmakers of Toronto".
All issues near fine or better, in pictorial light card wrappers, with address
- Vol.7, no.4; St. Jean Baptiste Day (summer) 1984. $5
- Vol.9, No.2; Christmas (winter) 1985. $5
- Vol.14, No.2; Christmas (winter) 1990. $5
- Vol.15, No.3; Lady Day (Spring) 1992 - no adddress label. $5
[Magazine article]. Crosby, Harriet E. Was Sherlock Holmes a Closet
Presbyterian?; contained in The Presbyterian Record, Vol.CXIV,
no.10 (November 1990). Don Mills, Ontario: Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1990.
"Excerpted from "Famous shamus a closet Presbyterian" ... Books &
Religion ... Spring 1990." Newsprint pages a touch age-toned; fine.
[Magazine article]. Dobson, Roger. Sherlock Holmes: The Last Mystery;
contained in Antiquarian Book Monthly Review, Vol.XV, no.2 (February 1988).
Oxford: ABMR Pubications, 1988. 4 pp. article investigating Holmes's university
Alma Mater; Holmes's silhouette to front cover. Hint of age-toning to pages;
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