Most days (with days off for the holidays, travel, and the like!) we post a new Book of the Day to our Facebook feed. Check it out ... — maybe you'll find something you just have to have!
Of course, if you wish to browse through detailed descriptions of our stock, select from the specialty or general subject, or specialty print lists below, then follow any links to your specific interests. Most of these are extensively illustrated, and the images can be viewed either from the individual entries or through our
image gallery index. An author index is also available - if you're looking for a particular writer, editor, etc., please try it.
If you like what you see here, and want to know what else we might have along these lines, please
contact us - our stock is extensive and much of it gets sold before it's listed on the web!
Wilfrid M. de Freitas
P.O. Box 232, Westmount Station
Westmount (Montreal), Quebec, Canada H3Z 2T2
Tel: (514) 935-9581
Wilfrid@deFreitasBooks.comLast updated: 4/14/24
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