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Good kind Bookseller looked up Where his desktop hid him There the books lay round about Piled and opened near him Brightly glowed his screen that night Though midnight was looming When his lady came in sight Asked if he were coming "Hither wife and stand by me If thou know'st it, telling Yonder volume what it be How and what its titling?" "Love, you're working way too late In amongst those great tomes Time it is to take a break Sleep and rest your bones" |
"Bring me toast and bring me sweet Bring me coffee hither Thou and I shall sit and eat Then I'll wrap those thither" Wife and husband down they sat Down they sat together Though the orders' not been packed Nor their bags been tethered "Dear, the morning's coming now And these books need wrapping Orders come, I know not how, But I can sense it hap'ning" "Write the labels, my good wife Wrap the orders boldly Thou shalt find the payment's size Larger than I told thee." | |
With her husband she did work All the books must get sent, UPS at door did lurk Waiting for the shipment Therefore, collectors be sure If books or prints desiring Ye who now do order more Shall them soon be admiring. |
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Last updated: 12/8/16
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